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Car Door Joke

Q. When is a door, a jar?
A. When it’s opened. (door ajar)

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Posted in Corny Jokes

String Joke

A string walks into a bar. “Excuse me,” he asks “can I please have a drink?” “Nope” replies the bartender “we don’t serve strings.” Upset at the racism the string asks a fellow at the bar to buy him a drink. Seeing this the bartender picks him up and throws him out of the bar. The string walks over to a curb rubs himself against it and ties himself in a knot, then walks back into the bar. “Excuse me, can I please have a drink?” “Aren’t you the string that was just here?” asks the bartender. “No” came the answer, “I’m a frayed knot.”

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Posted in Cheesy Jokes

Oyster Joke

Q. Why don’t oysters give to charity?
A. Because they’re shellfish.

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Posted in Kids Jokes, Laffy Taffy Jokes

Poker Joke

Q. Why is it so hard to play poker in the jungle?
A. Because there are so many cheetahs.

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Posted in Laffy Taffy Jokes

Bicycle Joke

Q: Why do bicycles fall over?
A: Because they are two-tired!

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Posted in Silly Jokes

Skunk Joke

Q. What did the judge say when the skunk walked in the courtroom?
A. Odor in the court.

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Posted in Kids Jokes

Goose Joke

Q. What grows down, when it grows up?
A. A goose.

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Posted in Bird Jokes, Funny Riddles, Kids Jokes

Towel Joke

Q. What gets wetter the more it dries?
A. A towel.

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Posted in Funny Riddles, Kids Jokes

Spelling Bee Joke

Q. What is more amazing than a talking dog?
A. A spelling bee.

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Posted in Kids Jokes

Grape Joke

Q. What did the grape do when it got stepped on?
A. It let out a little wine!

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Posted in Kids Jokes
