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Retired Husband Joke

A retired husband is often a wife’s full-time job.

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Posted in Cute Quotes, One Liners, Retirement Jokes

Frisbee Joke

I wondered why the frisbee was getting bigger, and then it hit me.

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Posted in One Liners, Text Jokes, Witty One Liners

Meaning Of Life Joke

Every time I find the meaning of life, they change it.

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Posted in Cute Quotes, One Liners, Witty One Liners

Respectful Husband Joke

I haven’t spoken to my wife for 18 months- I don’t like to interrupt her.

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Posted in One Liners, Women Jokes

Lawyers are not Really That Bad

Lawyers really aren’t so bad, it’s just ninety-nine percent of lawyers that make the rest look bad.

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Posted in Lawyer Jokes, One Liners

Political Humor

If con is the opposite of pro, it must mean
Congress is the opposite of progress?

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Posted in One Liners

Men And Directions

The children of Israel wandered around the desert for 40 years. Even in biblical times, men wouldn’t ask for directions.

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Posted in Men Jokes, One Liners

Men Men Men!!

Men are all the same – they just have different faces, so that you can tell them apart.

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Posted in One Liners

Deep Thought

He who laughs last thinks slowest.

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Posted in One Liners

How To Be Popular

Men are like bank accounts. Without a lot of money, they don’t generate much interest.

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Posted in One Liners
