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Enjoy our collection of our short jokes, after all that’s what they are here for!

There Is Always Someone Crazier

Once in an insane asylum an inmate screamed out I am George Washington. “How do you know?” someone asked. The inmate answered , “because G-D told me.” Just then a scream came out from another room “I did not.”

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The Broken Leg Joke

I overheard a father yelling at his toddler who refused to sit still in the shopping cart “If you fall down and break your leg don’t come running to me.”

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Cereal Box Joke

One morning I saw my husband in the pantry trying to decide between two different types of cereals. “Maybe you should take half a bowl of each”, I said jokingly. “Wow,” he said with a smile, “you really thing out of the box

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Posted in Clever Jokes, Funny Puns, Short Jokes

A Small Misunderstanding

A man telephoned the airline office and asked, “How long does it take to fly to Boston?” The clerk said, “Just a minute…” “Thank you,” the man said and hung up.

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The Good Old Days?

A Grandfather is talking to his grandson “You know in the good old days, you could go to a store with a quarter, and get a loaf of bread,a dozen eggs, a watermelon,and a brand new bike.But  today, you can’t do that, nope,…………………………………there’s just way to many surveillance cameras.

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Teenager Joke

Q.What does JCpenny and teenagers have in common.

A.Pants 50% off.

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Posted in Short Jokes

Good for who?

Costumer-“Is this insecticide good for beetles.”

Clerk-“No, it’ll kill them!

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Brutal Tactics

A man walked into a lawyers office and asked about the fee. The lawyer responded” it’s 50$ for 3 questions,” “isn’t that a lot asked the man” ” yes” responded the lawyer…………….”and whats your third question?”

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Mean Doctor

Doctor – You’re overweight

Lady – I think I want a second opinion

Doctor – OK,  you’re also ugly.

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Posted in Short Jokes

The “Bottom”

Q.What has a bottom at its top?

A. A leg.

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Posted in Funny Riddles, Good Jokes, Short Jokes
