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Enjoy our collection of marriage humor, after all that’s what they are here for!

Be Careful Who You Marry

When I married MR. RIGHT, I didn’t know his first name was ALWAYS!

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Posted in Husband Jokes

A Marriage Cynic

A study was done where it was discovered that married people live longer…………………………….. then they discovered it just feels longer!

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Posted in Marriage Jokes

Jealous Wife Joke

Standing in front of a boutique I noticed an impatient looking young man approach an attractive woman “would you mind talking to me for a few minutes?” he asked her “why?” she countered suspiciously.”my wife has been in this shop for a long time” the man explained “But I  know she’ll come out if she see me talking to you”  -E.C.Forbes Jr.

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Posted in Husband Wife Jokes, Relationship Jokes, Wife Jokes

Men? Romance?

After I waited patiently while my husband played a round of golf on our 18th wedding anniversary he and I went out to dinner at a lovely restaurant. We discussed many happy memories we’ve shared during the years. Then I said “Want to go for another 18?” “no” he  replied “I think it’s too dark now.” -Mary Leach

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Posted in Golf Jokes, Husband Jokes
